SpaceDrones Version 1Marco P2020-06-27T20:56:26+00:00
SpaceDrones Version 1
Raspberry Pi 3B+
Ubuntu 18.04
ROS Melodic
Optitrack 1.1
Raspberry Pi Setup
Step 1
Installing Ubuntu light on SD Card & Configuring Rasberry pi for networking communication
Pixhawk Integration
Step 2
Pixhawk Integration of offboard flight capabilites and control with the raspberry pi.
Gound Station Setup
Step 3
Installation of Ubuntu and ROS on computer ground station, instillation of “Q Ground Control Software”, configuring drone controller and receiver.
1st Systems Flight Test
Step 4
Plug in battery and test, drone configuration & construction for flight worthiness, test controller and receiver, test battery voltage, test SSH network communication
Opti-Track Integration
Step 5
Opti-Track Environment setup, MAVROS instillation and integration